Friday, 12 September 2014

Finals this weekend, starting tomorrow probably from 12.30pm. Schedule will be up later today - once all the combinations of players/availability have been  sorted ! Food/drink available all afternoon and all members, friends &  family welcome.

This year our tournament BBQ will follow play at about 5.30pm. All members, family &  friends welcome. If you haven't already signed up please do so by tomorrow 1pm via sheet at club or e mail. 

Ben will also be setting up a few touch tennis courts from about 5.30pm so a good chance to give this a try out. He will also be setting up a try out court on Monday at 6pm.

Courts in Use this weekend
Saturday morning until 12 noon - 4 courts for coaching as usual
Saturday from 12 noon - 4 courts for tournament matches until 5.30pm
Saturday from 5.30 pm - 7pm -  3 courts in use for touch tennis

Sunday morning - all courts for usual social mix in
Sunday from 12 noon - 4 courts from tournament matches until 5.30pm appx

 Touchtennis tournament sponsored by Withers - Sunday 21st September 12 noon
Open to any club members 16+.
Organiser is Ben Minski so speak to him to find out more, give it a try out tomorrow/Monday or visit to register and sign up. 

Lost tennis bag
Someone may have picked up the wrong tennis bag during the tournament - a red one. Please check that you have the right one !