Monday, 15 September 2014


Thanks to all 93 who entered the 2014 tournament, those who came to watch, those who scheduled and made sure matches got onto court, scores recorded etc, those who helped in the kitchen and those who staffed the bar. And no rain for the whole 13 days ! Must be a record.

Congratulations to all our winners and finalists - there were some very good 3 set finals this weekend. All over for another year ...follow link on club website for all scores and view pictures via the Facebook album -

Clear your diary for 2 weeks in September 2015 !!

Gary/ Andy / Sue/ Katie/ Louise


Mens Singles - Ben Minski

Mens Doubles - Phil Harris & Hussein Khan

Ladies Singles - Katie Wood

Ladies Doubles - Katie England & Anna Randall

Mixed Doubles - Ben Minski & Anna Randall

MO35 Singles - Daniel Poultney

LO35 Singles - Katie England

Vets Mixed Doubles - Paul Heighton Towers & Anna Randall

Mens Vets Singles - Timothy P Watts

Mens Vets Doubles - Steve Ireland & Mike Minski

Detailed Tournament Results -