Monday, 15 September 2014


Thanks to all 93 who entered the 2014 tournament, those who came to watch, those who scheduled and made sure matches got onto court, scores recorded etc, those who helped in the kitchen and those who staffed the bar. And no rain for the whole 13 days ! Must be a record.

Congratulations to all our winners and finalists - there were some very good 3 set finals this weekend. All over for another year ...follow link on club website for all scores and view pictures via the Facebook album -

Clear your diary for 2 weeks in September 2015 !!

Gary/ Andy / Sue/ Katie/ Louise


Mens Singles - Ben Minski

Mens Doubles - Phil Harris & Hussein Khan

Ladies Singles - Katie Wood

Ladies Doubles - Katie England & Anna Randall

Mixed Doubles - Ben Minski & Anna Randall

MO35 Singles - Daniel Poultney

LO35 Singles - Katie England

Vets Mixed Doubles - Paul Heighton Towers & Anna Randall

Mens Vets Singles - Timothy P Watts

Mens Vets Doubles - Steve Ireland & Mike Minski

Detailed Tournament Results -

Friday, 12 September 2014

Finals this weekend, starting tomorrow probably from 12.30pm. Schedule will be up later today - once all the combinations of players/availability have been  sorted ! Food/drink available all afternoon and all members, friends &  family welcome.

This year our tournament BBQ will follow play at about 5.30pm. All members, family &  friends welcome. If you haven't already signed up please do so by tomorrow 1pm via sheet at club or e mail. 

Ben will also be setting up a few touch tennis courts from about 5.30pm so a good chance to give this a try out. He will also be setting up a try out court on Monday at 6pm.

Courts in Use this weekend
Saturday morning until 12 noon - 4 courts for coaching as usual
Saturday from 12 noon - 4 courts for tournament matches until 5.30pm
Saturday from 5.30 pm - 7pm -  3 courts in use for touch tennis

Sunday morning - all courts for usual social mix in
Sunday from 12 noon - 4 courts from tournament matches until 5.30pm appx

 Touchtennis tournament sponsored by Withers - Sunday 21st September 12 noon
Open to any club members 16+.
Organiser is Ben Minski so speak to him to find out more, give it a try out tomorrow/Monday or visit to register and sign up. 

Lost tennis bag
Someone may have picked up the wrong tennis bag during the tournament - a red one. Please check that you have the right one ! 

Monday, 8 September 2014

This weeks schedule upto & including Thurs has been done.

Finals weekend will be scheduled after Thurs results.

Contact for the next few days is:
Andy Parker, email

But please note, I really do not have time for any rescheduling of games due to changes of availability.

If for any reason you cannot make the scheduled games, I will have to award a walk over.



Friday, 5 September 2014

Coming into the middle weekend

Schedules up for the weekend and Monday. Please note Andy Parker is now tournament referee and can be contacted on with any queries.

Good food and tennis available over the weekend so feel free to come down and watch if you're not playing,


Gary/ Andy

Monday, 1 September 2014

Well & truly under way.

Loads of matches played over the weekend.

Good support.

Plenty of food & drink sold.

Weather forecast looks fine.

Matches already scheduled upto Weds.

If you can't make your scheduled match please contact the club so that opponents do not turn up unnecessarily.